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Defiance 8 Week Squat Program

Defiance 8 Week Squat Program

R 100

The 8-Week Squat Strength Program is designed to maximize your lower body power and build a strong foundation for overall athletic performance. This program focuses on progressive overload through a combination of back squats, front squats, and targeted accessory exercises, ensuring balanced strength development. Each session begins with a comprehensive warm-up to prime your muscles and joints for heavy lifting, followed by structured squat routines and complementary movements.

Throughout the program, you'll be challenged with increasing loads, varying tempos, and strategic rest periods, all tailored to optimize your squat performance. Whether you're aiming to break personal records or enhance your overall lower body strength, this program provides the structure and progression needed to achieve your goals. Prepare to push your limits, refine your technique, and experience significant gains in your squat capacity over these next eight weeks.

Important note: Upon completion of payment, full program (PDF file) will be sent via email to the customer.

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