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Defiance Olympic Weightlifting Program (Competition Preparation Phase)

Defiance Olympic Weightlifting Program (Competition Preparation Phase)

R 100

The Olympic Weightlifting Program is a comprehensive 4-6 week training program designed to enhance your performance in the snatch and clean and jerk. This program is based on proven principles and concepts used by professional weightlifters and is suitable for intermediate to advanced lifters. This phase is designed to fine-tune your technique, build confidence, and prepare you for upcoming competitions.

The duration of each phase in an Olympic weightlifting program can vary depending on several factors, including the individual's training goals, experience level, and specific needs. However, as a general guideline, here's an approximate duration for each phase:

  1. Phase 1: Foundation Building - This phase typically lasts around 4-6 weeks. Its purpose is to focus on improving technique, building foundational strength, and addressing any mobility or stability issues.
  2. Phase 2: Intensification - This phase usually lasts around 6-8 weeks. It involves increasing the intensity and volume of training to enhance strength and power development, while still maintaining a focus on technique refinement.
  3. Phase 3: Competition Preparation - This phase can vary depending on the specific competition schedule and the individual's needs. It generally lasts around 4-6 weeks leading up to a competition. The focus is on fine-tuning technique, peaking strength and power, and ensuring optimal performance on competition day.

Important note: Upon completion of payment, full program (PDF file) will be sent via email to the customer.

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